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Works on Active Covid and Long Covid

Rate your symptoms in this moment on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being no symptom at all, 10 being it's a huge issue for you. Symptoms of covid like cough, trouble breathing, tiredness, loss of taste and smell, headache, runny nose etc

Find, taste or remember what aloe vera or cucumber tastes like.

Imagine that your paternal grandparents are on your right and your maternal grandparents are on your left.

Send the taste to aloe vera to the grandparents and sense whether they are hungry for the taste of aloe vera in their throat.

Make a note which grandparent or grandparents is hungry for the taste of aloe vera.

Inside the hunger that the grandparent feels, there is anger, a kind of boiling anger in the throat of the grandparent.

It is again a boiling anger, not an anger that gets expressed outside.

Make a note of which grandparent or grandparents has this anger.

If for instance your paternal grandfather has this issue start on the right side the father side.

Start the music and put it on a loop. It is important to get you to the right developmental moment.

See your granparent before you or behind you and tap on the 9 gamut point of your right hand (paternal side hand) focusing on the anger you feel in your grandparent's throat. At the same time send the grandparent love and acceptance.

Accept them and love them unconditionally with their anger not in spite of it. Accept and love them while you tap on the 9 gamut point

Tap unitl the grandparent disappears. It may take 3 to 15 minutes or so.

When the grandparent disappears take a look at the spot where the grandparent was and look for a point where there is still anger and continue to tap focusing on this anger.

Accept it and love and tap until you feel an expansion and you feel Calm, Peaceful, Light, Bright and Large.

It may take 5 to 10 more minutes

When you feel like this, go on tapping for 3 more minutes.

(additional optional step) Now listen to the music more closely. If there is something bothering you about the music, annoying, or uncomfortable tap on the feelings, one at a time until one is gone and then do another one. One at a time. Each feeling may take 3 to 10 minutes.

Now try to imagine the same grandparent, try to give them the aloe taste and see whether they have this hunger for it and this anger in the throat.

If it's gone your job with the grandparent is done.

If you have other grandparents with the hunger and with the anger in the throat repeat the above steps with the other grandparent.

For maternal grandparents tap on the 9 gamut point on the left hand and imagine them behind you or in front of you on the left side. For paternal grandparents do the opposite.

When you are done rate your symptoms again.

Repeat after 3 or 4 days in case you still have symptoms, some generational traumas may have been missed the first time, most of the symptoms disappear the first time round

Important: share it for FREE with everyone you know that needs it and has active or long covid Make THIS treatment go VIRAL not Covid

covidtreatment2: Bio
covidtreatment2: Music Player


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